3 min read

Word Cloud - The Republic

For this post we do will create a word cloud of Plato’s The Republic in R using the wordcloud and wordcloud2 packages. The English translation for this work is done by Benjamin Jowett and the data is hosted by MIT at link.

To create the word cloud we first download the text file. Once we have the file, we perform basic data cleaning steps as outlined in the article at link. We then create a data frame with the frequency of words in The Republic and display a table with the 20 most frequent words and follow this up with word clouds. One word cloud for each package. We follow the guide at link. Note that we include the full translation of the Republic including the introduction which was not written by Plato.

We now load the data and create a corpus.

# load raw data and create corpus
raw_data <- readLines(here::here("csv", "republic.mb.txt"))
corpus_data <- Corpus(VectorSource(raw_data))

In this chunk we do the bulk of our data cleaning to remove extremely common words like “a” or “the” as well as remove symbols and other things which are not words.

# clean the data

# convert text to lowercase
corpus_data <- tm_map(corpus_data, content_transformer(tolower))

# remove symbols
corpus_data<-tm_map(corpus_data, content_transformer(gsub),
                    pattern="\\W",replace=" ")

# remove URLs
removeURL <- function(x) gsub("http[^[:space:]]*", "", x)
corpus_data <- tm_map(corpus_data,

# remove everything besides English letters or a space
removeNumPunct <- function(x){
    gsub("[^[:alpha:][:space:]]*", "", x)
corpus_data <- tm_map(corpus_data,

# remove stop words (basic words like "a" and "the")
corpus_data <- tm_map(corpus_data, removeWords,

# Code for custom stop words 
# stopwords <- c(setdiff(stopwords('english'),
#                c("r", "k")), "zoo")
# corpus_data <- tm_map(corpus_data, removeWords, stopwords)

# remove extra white space
corpus_data <- tm_map(corpus_data, stripWhitespace)

# remove numbers
corpus_data <- tm_map(corpus_data, removeNumbers)

# remove punctuation
corpus_data <- tm_map(corpus_data, removePunctuation)

In this chunk we use the SnowballC package to perform stemming. This combines similar words to a root form. This may appear a bit unusual with words like “nature” becoming “natur”.

# combines words with multiple spelling types
corpus_data <- tm_map(corpus_data, stemDocument)

We now take our corpus and create a data frame with the words and their frequency.

terms_matrix <- as.matrix(TermDocumentMatrix(corpus_data))
freq_matrix <- data.frame(word=rownames(terms_matrix),

From this data frame we list our 20 most common words.

knitr::kable(arrange(freq_matrix, desc(freq))
             %>% head(20))
word freq
will 1155
said 1047
one 608
true 489
say 489
state 459
good 452
yes 448
may 420
man 374
like 362
natur 310
must 298
can 285
certain 280
now 272
repli 267
thing 266
just 247
also 242

We now create our first word cloud with the wordcloud package.

wordcloud(words=freq_matrix$word, freq=freq_matrix$freq,
          min.freq=1, max.words=200, random.order=FALSE,
          rot.per=0, colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))

We now conclude our post with a triangular shaped word cloud using the wordcloud2 package.

wordcloud2(freq_matrix, shape = "triangle")